
A Green Lawn In The Aquarium: Carpet Of Plants In The Foreground

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A lawn of small aquatic plants looks beautiful in the aquarium. The carpet of aquatic plants underlines the natural impression and increases the diversity of the underwater world. A large selection of lawn-forming aquarium plants is available: Different colours, textures and leaf shapes ensure a varied picture that captivates the viewer. Read here how to get a carpet of lawn-forming foreground plants in the aquarium as quickly as possible and how to care for them properly.

Plant lawn-forming aquarium plants correctly

To get a nice, dense lawn, a little preparatory work is necessary. There should be time, leisure and tact. Because it is important to first divide the purchased aquarium plant into many small plants and use them individually.

Simple rule of thumb:

The more of the small plants are planted individually, the faster a lawn forms.
The easiest way to plant the aquarium plants is to use aquarium tweezers. The small parts of the plant cannot always be easily anchored in the ground, as they have hardly any roots and are very small. Without tweezers, it is extremely difficult to place the plants in the planting hole so that they are held in place by the substrate. If you plant the next plant, ground cover that has already been planted is often uncovered again. With an aquarium tweezers you save yourself this frustration as much as possible.

The tweezers also have the advantage that they allow you to reach into the aquarium with your hands or arms as little as possible. This reduces the risk of foreign substances (e.g. from personal care products such as soap or creams) getting into the water. Whether you prefer to work with straight or angled tweezers for the aquarium is entirely up to you.

A smoother for the substrate can also be helpful. You can put the aquarium plant or the shoot into the planting hole with one hand and use the smoother to push the substrate with the other hand so that the plant sticks to the ground.

Steps for a dense lawn in the aquarium – this is how a green carpet is created in the foreground
needs of the aquarium inhabitants

Lawn-forming varieties should suit the aquarium.

For example, they are not the right plants for perch aquariums. If you keep fish that like to dig in the substrate, dig around or redesign the tank, an all-over lawn in the aquarium is not a good idea. In the aquarium for shrimp, on the other hand, it is in perfect hands and will offer the animals many advantages. So think about whether and how you can do your animals a favor with the lawn in the aquarium.

Choosing the plant for the aquarium floor

Decide on an aquatic plant species whose demands on the environment correspond to the conditions in the tank. Light and C02 requirements as well as the available space for growth must be right. Remember that by the time the light reaches the bottom of the aquarium, it has already greatly diminished in intensity. And also factor in larger plants that take the light out of the ground cover.

Correct insertion of the aquarium plant in the substrate

If you buy a pot of lawn-forming plants and use them in the aquarium without further ado, you will have to wait a long time for a lawn. It is better to plant the ground cover in such a way that they stand alone. For this purpose, the plants are professionally divided and the shoots are used individually.

Proper care of aquatic plants

Fertilize, thin out, cut to size, isolate or propagate – the care required depends on the selected plant species. Most ground cover plants are slow growing, so you don’t need to invest a lot of time. In contrast to the lawn in the garden, the lawn in the aquarium is rather easy to care for – this is quickly done as part of the weekly plant care in the aquarium.

Are you still looking for ground cover for the aquarium? Then take a look at our aquarium plant shop. Here you will find suitable products and information on the requirements and properties of the various foreground plants.

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